You provide the stuff. Sylvan park Neighborhood Association will provide the ad in Friday’s and Saturday’s Tennessean, balloons for your location and maps for your buyers to seek out all of the sales. We will list unique items for each sale on the back of the map. SPNA will also have a local charity to pick up your left over items.
Remember they will not pick up any junk. The Charity will provide a donation receipt to those who donate. Please leave items for donation at your curb. They will start the pick-up at 2PM. They only come by once, please be ready. You will provide the location, "the stuff”, all things needed to set up. Remember to have change, and plenty of coffee for you and all of your helpers. The sale starts at 8am….we will post no early birds in paper…..but folks will be here earlier. Remember the more the better. We expect approx. 40 homes to participate. Cost is $15.00. SPNA has agreed to treat West End Station as one location, and only $15 total, so we can divide the $15 fee between those who participate.
We need to receive your information no later than May 1st. Please send your name, house number and a list of special items you have for sale to
For questions, call.
Susan Rogers 479-3257 (SPNA)
Jami Francescon 337-4148 (SPNA and WES)